A former employer of our client filed a motion for summary judgment arguing that the case should not proceed to a jury trial. A motion for summary judgment is used by employers to try to have a case dismissed before it gets to a jury trial. Employers argue in these summary judgment motions that there is a lack of evidence and no jury could find in favor of the employee. We in turn file objections to these motions and present evidence demonstrating that our clients can prevail before a jury. In this case, the employer terminated our client in retaliation for filing a workers' compensation claim. Connecticut law prohibits employers from retaliating against employees who exercise or attempt to exercise rights under the Workers' Compensation Act. This is a crucial legal protection. If employers were permitted to retaliate, many injured workers would think twice before filing a workers' compensation claim and thereby undermine the basic purpose of the Act - to compensate workers injured on-the-job. Our lawyers filed an objection to this employer's motion for summary judgment. The trial judge agreed with our objection and denied the motion for summary judgment. The case will now proceed to a jury trial.

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