It is illegal under Connecticut law for an employer to discriminate on the basis of pregnancy. Under C.G.S. Section 46a-60(a)(7) an employer is prohibited from:
1. Terminating an employee because of her pregnancy;
2. Refuse to grant to the employee a reasonable leave of absence for disability resulting from her pregnancy;
3. To deny an employee who is disabled as a result of pregnancy any compensation to which she is entitled to as a result of the accumulation of disability or leave benefits accrued pursuant to plans maintained by the employer;
4. To fail or refuse to reinstate the employee to her original job or to an equivalent position with equivalent pay and accumulated seniority, retirement, fringe benefits and other service credits upon her signifying her intent to return unless, in the case of the private employer, business circumstances have changes as to make it impossible or unreasonable to do so;
5. To fail or refuse to make a reasonable effort to transfer a pregnant employee to any suitable temporary position which may be available in any case in which an employee gives written notice of her pregnancy to her employer and the employer or pregnant employee reasonable believes that continued employment in the position held by the pregnant employee may cause injury to the employee or the fetus;
6. to fail or to refuse to inform the pregnant employee that a they must give written notice of their pregnancy in order to be eligible for transfer to a temporary position.
Besides Connecticut's law prohibiting pregnancy discrimination in the workplace, federal law also prohibits such discrimination. Victims of pregnancy discrimination should contact our attorneys to ensure that all legal rights are protected.

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